In honor of International Women’s Day, I have a few things to say.You know, there are so many women in this world doing so many profound things. From acts of love that are done in the mundane, everyday to uncharted acts of bravery.So many heroic women taking on so many personas. From putting on a bandaid to make the boo boo feel better to hugging a friend who lost their loved one to literally saving a life. And so many women go through seasons of hardship, trauma, fear — only to rise up so much better than they ever were before. Women who lost themselves to love only to be abandoned by the one who promised them the world. Women who thought the path to life was external beauty or fame, success or riches. Women who placed their faith outside of themselves only to find that they were misguided. A transformation. Occurs. When we realize we are the ones we have been waiting for. And then. Then we truly know how to love. Navigate. Begin to fight. LIVE. And love ourselves and others from a firm foundational place.
Women who’s journeys have made them strong. And soft. Authentic. Real. They have the most fierce and loyal hearts. They have the most amazing ways of transforming into beauty from ashes. In the words of my new favorite broadway character, Elle Woods, “Yes, that’s my name in black and white. See I have not begun to fight. I am so much better than before.”
Ladies, the journey of your life. Embrace it. Own it. Fight for it. Love through it all. That’s your name up on that list. You are worth it. And you can be so much better than before. #imternationalwomensday #somuchbetter #strongwomen #strongwoman #love