Truly Rich
Sunday morning reflections: I breathe in the aroma of coffee, candles and essential oils...behold the beauty of delicate flower pedals...become inspired by the bright sunshine peering through my window...soak in the healing music flowing through the rooms of my home...and experience the childlike wonder through passion in my little ones’ eyes.Each of these marvelous wonders would be meaningless without love. As a dear person in my life once said, I am rich with friends. I am rich with family. I am rich with love. It truly makes the world go round. I thank you, God, for the beautiful people in my life. Those that sit and stay a while. Those thatwalk with me in the trenches. Those that make me laugh and help me grow. And those that hold my hand and jump of rocks, paddle up streams and rip roar into life’s adventures with me. I am truly rich.And I am deeply grateful. #love #gratituderant #richwithfriends