This early morning calls for a big cup of dark roast coffee with heavy whipping cream. My talk on resilient living is finally FINISHED!!!


#courage #counselorlife #counseling #digin #deadline #bebrave #teachyourchildrenwell #writing #speaking #nameit #sayit

Different is Beautiful

Is your path different than the societal norm? Different is beautiful. And there is no "one way" of being, doing, living. Celebrate you and celebrate your way. And celebrate someone else who's path is different than your own. Thanks for sharing this photo @singlemoms.awesome


#singlemom #singlemomsrock #blacklivesmatter #singleparent #adversity #societal #societalnorms #yourway #manyways #loveyou #livetrue #counselor #counseling #counselorlife

Saturdays are for Writing!

Saturday, you welcome guest, you. From an early morning workout to winter cleaning to a cozy nap to...writing. And here I am again. With a message to share. A message about waking up to life and choosing resilience in the face of adversity. In the face of complacency. In the face of fear.


#overcome #awakeandaware #proposal #vulnerability #resilience #freedom #eyeswideopen #saturdays #counselor #counselorlife #creativity #talk #speak #share #doitafraid #bigmagic #moretocome

Love, not Drama

Sometimes it's easy to confuse the feelings of excitement or exhilaration with love. Love is not the same as drama. Drama is not the same as love. Many of us have gotten swept up into intense emotions for someone who was dragging our heart around. Some of us thought this was love. Some of us were taught this was love. Some of us just didn't know any better. is not drama. And it's ok for us to claim that for ourselves. We are worthy of love. And we are worthy of living drama free.

…there isn’t a guidebook for setting boundaries. Each of us has our own guide inside ourselves. If we continue to work at recovery, our boundaries will develop. They will get healthy and sensitive. Our selves will tell us what we need to know, and we’ll love ourselves enough to listen.

—Beyond Codependency 

What do we need to do to take care of ourselves?

Listen to that voice inside. What makes you angry? What have you had enough of? What don’t you trust? What doesn’t feel right? What can’t you stand? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you want? Need? What don’t you want and need? What do you like? What would feel good?

...we learn that self-care leads us on the path to God’s will and plan for our life. Self-care never leads away from our highest good; it leads toward it.

Learn to nurture that voice inside. We can trust ourselves. We can take care of ourselves. We are wiser than we think. Our guide is within, ever-present. Listen to, trust, and nurture that guide.

Today, I will affirm that I am a gift to myself and the Universe. I will remember that nurturing self-care delivers that gift in its highest form. 

-Quoted from The Language of Letting Go by Melodie Beattie