For most of us, we don't get married thinking "I should plan for life as a single person." There isn't a manual for how to be a thriving single parent after a long term relationship. When I became a single mom, it instantly caused me to have to shift many things in my life. It felt scary and overwhelming in many ways. This is why I have decided to share "Single Mom Tips." My hope is that these tips will be useful to you or someone you know who is entering the single parent life.
Shrink your budget by writing down every expense you have and look at ways to bring down your monthly expenses. Consider meeting with a financial crisis counselor. Look at your mortgage and where/ how you are investing, unnecessary monthly subscriptions, turning down the heat more at night and while away, grocery shopping in bulk and at more affordable stores. The goal is to reduce the monthly budget so things can be more manageable right now. A lot can be shaved off - you will be surprised.
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