Hello friends. This is a heavy time. So much has happened as of late. My heart is deeply saddened by the events that have occurred and I feel compelled to continue to learn, grow and widen my lens for humanity. Because my skin is white, I can’t know it would be like to wake up thinking about how the color of my skin might put me in harm’s way or how I might need to maneuver my world to stay safe or..., or..., or. What I do know is that I want to invest in conversations. What I do know is that I won’t say that color doesn’t matter. What I do know is that racism is in the water and we live in a society that “was built that way,” Brene Brown.
This dark time presents the opportunity to rise up through learning more about what’s its like to walk in the shoes of another and challenge ourselves to stretch our comfort zones. My friend and colleague, Rebecca Eldredge, is offering a free micro-course that starts on Monday entitled Social Justice: Compassion to Action. If you’re looking for an avenue to help provide some support and education, this course might speak to you! Course registration link: //zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vf-yvqzwqGd2Js8H7eAjx8dKvMMilvFaO
I’m claiming and sending light, love, humility, growth, compassion, understanding and courage in this tumultuous season. 💕