Healing Balm

Healing Balm

A little healing balm from the voice studio tonight...

I spent a wonderful night recharging with my amazing friends @brickcorbett and just had some creative time in the voice studio hanging some succulent plants. I originally intended for these vases to hang from some pipes on the wall, but it just didn’t work out. This little nook above my piano has been begging for a little TLC and hanging some greenery is just the inspiration my singers need as they pour out their authentic selves from the cozy sheepskin rug that they stand and claim their authority on their personal sacred ground. Tonight, I stand on mine as I connect with my heart through song. All the natural feels and all the love in one place. I embrace it and I choose it.

#healing #plants #nature #succulents #sing #singer #singers #voice #counseling #voice #sacredground #inspiration #inspire #selfcare #love #claim

Love Yourself

Love Yourself

You are ENOUGH

You are ENOUGH