Hey! Did you all know that “single motherhood has grown so common in America that today 80% of single-parent families are headed by single mothers - nearly half live in poverty,” singlemotherguide.com. Single moms are amazing and they are carrying heavy loads while navigating a path for themselves and their children that can often be filled with obstacles that make abundance feel so far off. This link sheds light on so many families that are shuffled into the shadows. Let’s bring awareness into the light and shout out some cheers and wave some flags of encouragement and hope for our amazing single mother friends. I know so many single mammas working tirelessly to uplevel their lives and the lives of their children. Single mamas, YOU ROCK!!! You’re doing a great job and your workboots are strong. Keep up the great work. The path you are cutting is profound. Way. To. GO!!!! ❤️
Lindsay Wills offers individual, couples and group counseling options along with writing, consultation and speaking services. Specialties include single mothers, teenagers, divorce, grief, loss, trauma, relationships and life transitions. Live True's theme is "Summoning strength and beauty. Igniting courage and compassion."